Keele Primary/Junior

Welcome to the Primary/Junior Advising Blog!!

My name is Teresa Boyle and I am your Primary/Junior advisor. I know this year will be very exciting and I look forward to welcoming you into our faculty and to make this transition as uncomplicated as possible. This blog is designed to keep you informed of any updates or changes that might occur between now and the start of the program. We will provide you with detailed instructions and information about enrollment, your year at a glance and information available to you as Bachelor Of Education student. Should you have any inquires, comments or just need advice, I can be reached at include PJ-Keele and your student number when sending me an email)!

Hope you enjoyed the advising session and found it informative.

As promised, here is the Year 1 PJ Keele Advising Package 2024-2025 and the 2024 New Student Advising PJ presentation

May 30th: Education elective options for you to enrol in 1 only on JUNE 19th: Starting at 9am!!

  DAY Term Term Start Term End Time
EDUC 3730 3.0 M Education and Human Rights

Catalogue #E99J01

F W January 6th April 4th 14:30-17:30
EDUC 3750 3.0 M Classroom Assessment

Catalogue #S55X01

F W January 6th April 4th 14:30-17:30
EDUC 2300 3.0 M Pedagogy of the Land

Catalogue #X40M01

F W January 6th April 4th 14:30-17:30
EDUC 3820B 3.0 M Teaching ELL in Mainstream Classrooms

Catalogue #D97E01

F W January 6th April 4th 14:30-17:30
EDUC 3600 3.0 M Literacy and Culture

Catalogue # G87Q01

F W January 6th April 4th 8:30-11:30
EDUC 3760 3.0 M Early and Family Literacy

Catalogue #H09P01

F W January 6th April 4th 8:30-11:30
EDUC 2591 3.0 M Thinking Mathematically

Catalogue #D68M01

F W January 6th April 4th 8:30-11:30
EDUC 3592 3.0 M Teaching for Understanding in the Mathematics Classroom

Catalogue # G37W01

F W January 6th April 4th 14:30-17:30
EDUC 2594 3.0 N Hands-on Mathematics to Support Interdisciplinary Learning

Catalogue # U65Z01

F W January 6th April 4th 14:30-17:30

July 15:

YEAR ONE Bachelor of Education (BEd) Submission of Preferences for EDPR 1000 Community Practicum

Students enrolled in EDPR 1000 can search Community Practicum options and submit five placement preferences beginning mid-day July 22nd, through July 28th, 2024.

The placement process is not first come-first served; all preferences will be taken into consideration, if submitted during the (mid-day July 22nd- July 28th) timeline. If preferences aren’t submitted during this timeline, students will be a part of the round two selection process and will submit preferences in late August.

To search placement options and to submit preferences starting July 22nd, please visit:

  • Students can expect an in-person placement and must submit a minimum of four in-person options out of their five placement preferences. Students are not permitted to submit ALL virtual options as their placement preferences.
  • If a community partner has multiple placement options, students should submit one placement preference from any particular community partner. ALL preferences from the same community partner will not be accepted.
  • For B.Ed. students, your placement day is designated for you, according to the Year 1  program calendars ( Teacher Candidates cannot modify their placement day.

All student preferences are taken into consideration; however, the Practicum Office does NOT guarantee a placement based exclusively on student preferences. Any questions regarding community practicum and/or technical difficulties should be sent via email and directed to:

Students are NOT to contact Community Partners (until confirmation of placement is received by the Practicum Office late August/early September). You will be able to access the system in late August to see your confirmed Community Practicum location.

Please carefully review the placement details, expectations, and responsibilities.

You are responsible to follow and adhere to the requirements outlined in the placement details (including additional requirements, screening interviews, and orientation).

EVERY Community Practicum is different, so please refer to your specific Community Practicum details for orientation, start dates etc.

Students cannot miss scheduled class time and/or other Faculty commitments to attend Community Practicum.

Best, Faculty of Education Experiential Education Office

If you have any issues with this procedure, reach out to: