Faculty of Education Students' Association

Welcome to the Faculty of Education at York University!

In the Bachelor of Education you will have the opportunity to learn and grow through courses and in-class practicums. You’ll learn to find teachable moments in your experiences and challenges. You’ll have the opportunity to learn, unlearn, and then relearn to create your own teaching philosophy as an educator.

The Faculty of Education's Student Association (FESA) is a great resource to stay up to date with everything happening in the Faculty. We are a student run council that acts as a liaison for the students and the Faculty members in the Education program. Our purpose is to create and outsource professional development opportunities and host events to create a sense of camaraderie in our program. If you have any questions feel free to contact your cohort’s representative or reach out through our social media.

Some of our major annual events include the Professional Development Conference in November, the Employment Fair in January and our Year-End Formal in March.

Throughout the year we also have workshops to enrich your learning including workshops on Tribes Learning Communities, Resumés & Cover Letters, Math Proficiency Skills, Coaching in Ontario Schools and more. We also provide multiple social opportunities through our events and mentorship program, so please attend and join us for some fun! Get involved with initiatives such as supporting our annual fundraising efforts for the school in Wikondiek, Kenya.

Don’t forget to join your cohort’s Facebook group and all of FESA’s other social media at rebrand.ly/fesalinks.

Good luck to everyone in this upcoming school year! Remember, we’re here to help.

Keep in touch,

Tharmithaa Tharumaraaj
President, Faculty of Education Students' Association (FESA)
116 Winters College, York University
(416) 736-2100 x 88779
Get connected! Rebrand.ly/fesalink